Academy Award winner James Cameron (Titanic) has long sought to bring the manga series Battle Angel Alita to the big screen. He waited until special effects could catch up with the tech-heavy dystopian world. But now it looks like the behind-the-scenes wizardry is the least of its issues.
Without even getting into a white-washing controversy that's going to explode as it gets closer to the release date, the protagonist Alita (Rosa Salazar) has gigantic eyes that look distracting at best and creepy at worst. The motion-capture is good, but not good enough to look real.
But what does look good? Robert Rodriguez (Sin City), despite whiffing on his last few efforts, is still a solid action director. And Mahershala Ali looks awesome in a dual role as a scientist and crime boss, the latter of whom looks exactly like Blade. (Want to get on that one, Marvel?)
The cast is solid, including Oscar winners Christoph Waltz (Inglorious Basterds) and Jennifer Connelly (Noah), plus Ed Skrein (Deadpool) and Michelle Rodriguez (The Fate of the Furious) in villainous roles.
Alita: Battle Angel opens opposite Aquaman and Bumblebee on Friday, December 21. Good luck.