Portrayed to utter perfection, actress Melissa Leo encompasses the body of Penny, a desperate, manipulative mom who will do anything for her next score. When turned away from a rehab facility, Penny enlists the help of her conservative son Eli. Forced into the dire situation, Eli confronts his mother, proving that the two aren't nearly as different as once perceived.
Co-written and directed by Phil Dorling, Predisposed takes the art of knowledge and trust, disecting it and making you wonder who and what you really know. The approach is direct and intense, giving you a full scare of emotion and discovery within a short, concise time frame.
Most known for her breakout role in Frozen River, Melissa Leo lights up the screen as Penny. Her moves, tone and personality coincide flawlessly with a woman on the down and out. Her delivery is pristine, bringing the fifteen minute short to life.
By her side is Ethan Downing as the young, innocent conservative boy whom she calls son. Though overshadowed by his co-star, Downing finds a way to create uncertainty with the audience, becoming the unlikely compliment to Leo, taking her actions and throwing them back in her direction. Together the two form a solid tandem, one that would be interesting to watch in a full-length feature.