You know that Crazy 88 fight scene in Kill Bill Volume 1 that switches to black and white to avoid too much blood gore? Well if the trailer’s any indication, The Eyes of My Mother has taken that technique to the next level.
The Eyes of My Mother, written and directed by Nicolas Pesce, tells the story of Francisca, a young woman that grew up at a secluded farmhouse in Portugal with her surgeon mother and disengaged father. Trained from a young age on anatomy and death, Francisca’s worldview is shattered by a traumatic experience from her childhood, an experience that seems to shape her into the twisted person she becomes.
Set to creepy music and filmed in black and white, the trailer isn’t afraid to show you scenes of gore and blood – but it’s difficult to tell thanks to the monochromatic color scheme. It all adds up to gorgeously set scenes and increasingly creepy imagery, a fascinating teaser to the actual film which hits theaters and on demand on December 2.