New “Disenchanted” Trailer Sees Giselle Cursed

The new trailer for Disney’s Disenchanted promises more of what we loved from the 2007 original. Amy Adams returns as Giselle, living her happily ever after in the suburbs with Robert and her stepdaughter Morgan. As many people realize, the suburbs come with their own set of problems, and Giselle can’t help but use magic to try and make her life more like a fairy tale.

To no one’s surprise, “be careful what you wish for” is in full effect and Giselle seems to be embracing the “evil stepmother” trope in her new, fairy tale life. The trailer lets us glimpse what looks to be an inventive and fun chapter for these characters we’ve loved for over a decade. James Marsden is back as Prince Edward as is Idina Menzel as Nancy. Joining the cast is Maya Rudolph as Malvina Monroe, a PTA despot who makes clear Giselle is not welcome.

Full of color, dry humor, and singing, “Disenchanted” seems poised to be just as big a hit as its original. See it exclusively on Disney+ on November 18.


About Katie Anaya