As is fitting for a franchise that took its own circuitous path to the big screen, the much-anticipated sequel to Deadpool hasn't had anything resembling a traditional marketing campaign. While most movies follow the teaser trailer > poster > trailer-set-to-a-sad-cover-of-a-pop-song route, Deadpool 2 has released three separate promos up until now, but this is the first one that can be considered an actual trailer.
The "No Good Deed" short film, which aped everything from Spider-Man to Superman, all set to the theme song for St. Elmo's Fire, debuted in front of Logan last year.
Then, we got an early Christmas present with Ryan Reynolds' tribute to painter Bob Ross, with his hilarious "Wet on Wet" short. And just last month we got a quasi-introduction to Josh Brolin's new character Cable, who I've been dying to see on the big screen since I was a kid. Of course, nothing involving Deadpool is done without tongue firmly planted in cheek, so it served as a springboard for jokes about Justice League's bad CGI, Disney buying Fox, and Josh Brolin also playing Thanos in Infinity War.
So this is the first time we're actually getting any semblance of plot or new characters besides Cable. We now know that Cable's been sent from the future to kill a young mutant played by Julian Dennison (Hunt for the Wilderpeople) and Deadpool isn't going to let that happen. He's joined by Domino (Atlanta's Zazie Beetz) and what has been confirmed as the X-Force. We don't know exactly who all has enlisted in this superteam, but one of them is definitely Bedlam (Terry Crews).
With an arsenal of jokes, pop culture references and actual weapons, Deadpool 2 will be back for more gleeful mayhem on May 18, one week before Solo: A Star Wars Story.