Review: True Legend


Director:Woo-ping Yuen

Cast:Man Cheuk Chiu, Xun Zhou, Michelle Yeoh, Andy On

Running Time:115.00


True Legend is the story of Su Chan, a general betrayed by his adopted brother and stripped of his power and dignity.  It's based on Chinese folklore surrounding a group of warriors who developed various styles of martial arts during the Qing Dynasty.  You'll thank me for the history lesson when you realize that True Legend either assumes you know this stuff already or that you're just here for the fighting "¦ which may very well be the case.

The action is highly stylized. Slow-motion abounds and there's no denying that True Legend is a kung fu movie in the truest sense.  If you're a kung fu fan, stop reading this and go see it.  It definitely works as an entertaining action film, even if it stumbles in other areas.  The acting's nothing to complain about.  Xun Zhou and Michelle Yeoh are particularly fascinating to watch.  The martial arts work is unquestionably spectacular.  After all, Yuen is a master choreographer, responsible for the action sequences found in The Matrix, Kill Bill and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Unfortunately, the film also relies way too heavily on CGI, which doesn't mesh well with the action, making even the most engaging fights look sloppy and unfinished.  The third act, though necessary, also falls really flat.  It comes completely out of left field, kills the film's breakneck pacing and throws in a silly fight with a bunch of random white folks, including a stunningly out-of-place David Carradine as a trainer whose lines sound like they came straight from Mortal Kombat.  I half expected a "Finish him!"

Again, if you're a kung fu fanatic, you should already be in line.  As for everyone else, it's no masterpiece, but it gets the job done.


About Corey Hiscocks


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