Focusing in on the racial divide, Emily Abt's Toe to Toe details a love/hate relationship between two female lacrosse mates Tosha and Jesse. Tosha, a competitive and overly organized African-American, and Jesse, a privileged, though troubled, white girl, represent their stereotypical 'kind' to near perfection, but the events that comprise their relationship are what help give the film its authentic edge and make it one of the top films to debut at this year's Sundance Film Festival.
Starring two up and coming stars Louisa Krause, and Sonequa Martin, the film could have lost its viewers early on. However, the unspoken chemistry between the two girls cause is cause for an iconic break in social paths. For Tosha, played by Martin, good grades and outstanding conduct is the only way she will get into Princeton. It isn't a matter or will or way, but rather necessity. On the other hand Jesse, played by Krause is a young-girl lost within herself. Carrying a stronger relationship with the house maid than her actual mother, Jesse goes through life with little to no realization of the consequences her actions bring. She lives in the moment, taking a straight path towards self destruction.
Together, the two girls represent complete opposites, which makes the film and the development of their love/hate relationship both authentic and heartbreaking. The trials and tribulations, while impertinent to the story and the development of its characters, are hard on the audience as you feel with them, fearing for their demise yet knowing that it is just around the corner.
All this is a result to the fantastic story-telling by writer/director Emily Abt. Showcasing her talent in full force, Abt gives the film her all, creating tension and understanding from start to finish. Her ability to bring a character to life, putting them in real situations, with real consequences, brings an unfamiliar authenticity to the screen; one that audiences can relish and appreciate.
All in all, the film is startling affective. Tracing a relationship through the discovery and ultimate acceptance, Toe to Toe breaks down walls with its incredibly unique and stylistic characters, making it a rare pearl in a sea full of empty shells.