Professor Melvin Tolson, a smart but demanding debate coach, uses the power of words to shape and educate a group of unknown students from a small African American college in the heart of Texas into an elite group of nationally renowned debaters. Professor Tolson, often seen as a controversial figure, challenged the social norms of the day, uniting the farmers union and used his words to fight for the freedom that his race has always deserved. His political views often served as the forefront of his team's victories; however when the Willey Debate Team of 1935 gets an invitation to debate Harvard University's National Championship Team there is no stopping the power and force that words can apply.
Though it plays heavily to the race card, The Great Debaters does contain a strong story, acting and a happy ending powering the film to an inspirational finish.
Based on a true story The Great Debaters didn't have a whole lot to work with as it depicted an unknown college challenging every line on its way to becoming a historic legend. The story is strong, exciting and inspirational as it melts your heart and has you cheering for their victory as the credits role.
In addition to the story the acting was stellar as well. Denzel Washington brings Professor Melvin Tolson to life as he uses tone, attitude and body language to express his darkest motives and desires. Also making an impact on the film is Forest Whitaker as the stern family man Mr. Farmers. Though at times rough he is eventually able to bring the kind, well rounded character into full light as he shows what "˜tough love' really is. His timing is impeccable as he works perfectly with Washington, brining the acting full circle.
In the end the film was better than expected. Telling the true story of heroism and inspiration, The Great Debaters thrives on its strengths in brining a truly warming story into everyone's hearts this holiday season