Quarterback Joe Kingman (Dwayne Johnson) is known as one of the best players to ever play the game. But his dream life is about to hit a major halt when the daughter he never knew existed, Peyton, shows up on his doorstep. Now Joe is forced to not only juggle the hectic lifestyle of a celebrity, but work in a little ballet and a whole lot of patients. Teamed with his agent Stella Peck (Kyra Sedgwick) Joe must realize that the game isn't about money or fame, but rather winning the heart of the one fan that counts the most, Peyton.
The Game Plan tries to take a bite out of the formula that made The Pacifer starring Vin Diesel a success, and succeeds by one upping their processor and making an ever better film. With the perfect mixture of sports, humor, love and lesson, The Game Plan is the perfect excuse to take the family, or a date, out for a night at the movies.
The film is obviously tabbed as a kids/family film and while many "˜family films' attempt to appeal to everyone this one holds true to the genre and appeals specifically to kids. There are no underlining meanings that will make adults laugh while kids look on in wonder, no, for once there is a pure, down right kids film, no ifs, ands or buts about it. With this summer being full of fake family films ranging from Shrek 3 to Ratatouille and Surfs Up, Disney had a lot of pressure to live-up to the new blockbuster friendly genre, but they chose not to compete with these runaway successes and instead rejuvenate a dying genre themselves, that of true kid films. And rejuvenate it they have.
Though the acting is sub-par and the story line is generic, the film still leaves you smiling by the time the credits role, something that few films have been able to accomplish all year. Seeing a big, ripped football player adapt to the life of fatherhood and grow to love his daughter is nothing short of perfect and really makes the film. Combine that with the laughs that are produced through hilarious situations and the film becomes a catchy bar-setter for kid's comedy. Finally the next generation has their version of Little Giants, and luckily for fans, the story is stronger and the jokes are funnier!
The film is great, a true crowd pleaser, and I have to admit, though it is meant for kids I really enjoyed it. If you are looking for a feel good film, there is no doubt in my mind that you will enjoy this one.