When Edward and Carter are given the devastating news that they are losing battles with cancer they are both left speechless. Informed that they have six months to a year to live both decide to make a "˜Bucket List,' a wish list, and fulfill it before their time on Earth is done. Before they even realize it they are racing cars, skydiving and having the time of their life. For once each has thrown all their cares away and for the first time is truly enjoying life to the fullest. The only problem is that before long one will pass on, leaving the other to live out the remainder of their life alone.
Through its emotion, steady flow and lighthearted comedy The Bucket List not only scores high but thrives far beyond all my expectations.
Without a doubt the most impressive aspect of The Bucket List is the strong chemistry shared between the two leads, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. Many times when a film features two strong talents as this it can become congested, turning into a battle for the spotlight. However both stars embrace their time on screen, performing within themselves and working with each other to bring both an inner struggle and a real friendship to the big screen.
In addition the film played just the right notes to strike the perfect chord with the audience. Relying heavily on emotion, The Bucket List uses undertone and perfectly placed humor to not only appeal to its audience but unite with them. As you watch the film you become close with both leads. You begin to feel what they are feeling, recognizing their inner anger and understanding where it is coming from. In essence you become one, almost experiencing the tragic news and life changing adventure with them.
Lastly I want to comment about the film's overall flow. Most "˜hard' dramas suffer from detail and overdone emotions; however The Bucket List successfully stayed clear of this stereotype as it flowed to perfection. Each segment of the film was proportioned nicely and ultimately it led to a smooth, well rounded film that will please audiences both young and old.
In the end I can't say enough about this film as it contains all the necessary elements for a true showstopper.