SXSW Review: The Aggression Scale


Director:Steven C. Miller

Cast:Fabianne Therese, Ryan Hartwig, Dana Ashbrook, Derek Mears

Running Time:87.00


Charged with murder and likely to spend some time behind bars, crime boss Reg Bellavance is out on bail looking to skip town with his son.  But the money he has saved for such a move has gone missing.  Now, in a race against the clock, Reg has sent his best men out to find the money and kill anyone who had a hand in stealing it.  A simple task that quickly turns into a near death sentence.

Filled to the brim with creative violence and unique traps, Steven C. Miller's The Aggression Scale is an R-rated Home Alone for adults.  Ryan Hartwig gives a fantastic performance as Chissolm (think Home Alone's Kevin McCallister), a dark and somewhat threatening teenager who has a history plagued with violence.  It is his performance that saves the film from a rather forgettable beginning as he keeps the audience gaged as to just what he will do next.

At only 87 minutes, The Aggression Scale moves with surprising quickness and ease.  The scenes progress with a solid fluidity, giving the audience an intense game of life and death"”all determined by a quiet and haunted teenager.

Director Miller refuses to shy away from the violence, a decision that allows the story to grow exponentially throughout its runtime.  A slow start out of the gate proves to be the film's weakest moment, giving audience plenty to stay tuned for as the film progresses into a climatic final sequence that ultimately leaves everything out on the table.


About Stephen Davis

I owe this hobby/career to the one and only Stephanie Peterman who, while interning at Fox, told me that I had too many opinions and irrelevant information to keep it all bottled up inside. I survived my first rated R film, Alive, at the ripe age of 8, it took me months to grasp the fact that Julia Roberts actually died at the end of Steel Magnolias, and I might be the only person alive who actually enjoyed Sorority Row…for its comedic value of course. While my friends can drink you under the table, I can outwatch you when it comes iconic, yet horrid 80s films like Adventures in Babysitting and Troop Beverly Hills. I have no shame when it comes to what I like, and if you have a problem with that, then we’ll settle it on the racquetball court. I see too many movies to actually win any film trivia contest, so don’t waste your first pick on me. My friends rent movies from my bookcase shelves, and one day I do plan to start charging. I long to live in LA, where my movie obsession will actually help me fit in, but for now I am content with my home in Austin. I prefer indies to blockbusters, Longhorns to Sooners and Halloween to Friday the 13th. I miss the classics, as well as John Ritter, and I hope to one day sit down and interview the amazing Kate Winslet.

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