College is not a pleasant memory for Judi, Gayle and Becky. Tabbed as 'losers,' the three friends have grown up to live out that title, making very little of their lives and continuing to be pushed around by all who surround them. But when a series of unexpected actions (or maybe just not expected by the three in question), the girls find themselves celebrating spring break in South Padre, Texas, the heart of the whole affair. The mission is to help Becky control her political boss's lackluster daughter, a task that would confirm her spot as the newly sworn-in United States Vice-President. However, upon their arrival, the three ladies quickly remember that spring break is one thing that they didn't get to experience while in college, prompting each to seek and execute, making this week one worth remembering.
Starring the likes of SNL veterans Amy Poehler and Rachel Dratch, along with indie favorite Parker Posey, Spring Breakdown seemed to be an easy pick for one of Sundance's most electrifying and down-right hilarious films. Unfortunately, the good fortune was just not destined to be. Instead of hot, sexy bodies and endless laughter, audiences were introduced to three overbearing women who seem to be going through a midlife crisis as they attempt to let loose and finally discover their inner youth.
Sadly, that only grace the surface.
Also wrecking havoc is Rachel Dratch. Serving as one of the leads in the film, as well as the brains behind the story, Dratch attempts a self-induced comeback; one that falls miserably short in terms of talent and ability. Her characters are one-dimensional as they go through the motions, never fully connecting with the audience. The jokes are also lackluster as they rely on experience and youthful innocence, two aspects that prove entertaining at first, but quickly become a treacherous nightmare as the film waddles its way along.
The end result is one of good intentions. However, as they almost always do, these good intensions result is a product that no on-screen talent should be proud of. It will be fun, and for those who enjoy catching a film while slightly under the influence, the jabs at college life and sex will be seen as somewhat humorous. But for those that want real entertainment, this film is simply not meant to be.