Review: Riddick


Director:David Twohy

Cast:Vin Diesel, Matt Nable, Katee Sackhoff, Jordi Mollà, Dave Bautista

Running Time:119 Minutes


Don't underestimate Richard B. Riddick. He'll blindside you in more ways than one. And, in a way, so does this movie. Riddick (Vin Diesel) finds himself left for dead on a desolate planet. While trying to survive against its fearsome inhabitants, he is also being tracked down by bounty hunters.

The movie is effective in establishing the world, mood, and tone. Its first act is also its riskiest because it's essentially a character study of Riddick. While intriguing conceptually, it drags on screen. Ultimately, this movie would have worked better if it were thirty minutes shorter.

Despite effective and suspenseful action sequences, this story is about sitting ducks. There's less action here than in Elysium"”which, to me, is an interesting risk the movie takes"”but it may bore some audiences (my patience was even tested a bit). But don't worry! The movie doesn't lack a sense of humor.

The movie's stationary tone is due to an act Riddick commits that keeps everyone grounded on the planet. This gives us an opportunity to grow attached to the characters. Even though Riddick is the lead, he's by far the most interesting character on paper. He's stronger, faster, and more clever than anyone else. The closest after him is computer generated, and no, I'm not talking about Riddick's adorable pet.  So yes, the rest of the cast of characters are written unevenly, but the solid performances make up for some of it.

I'm not sure this movie has enough heat story-wise to be a total box-office smash. Fans of hyperactive action movies like Man of Steel may be disappointed in Riddick. But kudos to Hollywood for releasing an action movie that's a bit more quiet and "civilized" than the rest.


About Joe Kotisso


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