To some it is known as 'friends with benefits'. Others refer to it as 'sex friends'. But to Emma and Adam, its simply known as 'no strings attached'.
The situation is quite simple: two friends decide to be each other's sex slave, but refuse to become romantically involved due to their own time constraints and their longing to just have fun. But we all know that is nearly impossible. Friends who just have sex and don't fall in love; it's a myth right? Well, Emma and Adam are about to discover this one first hand, and the results aren't too pretty.
Poised to win her first Oscar next month, Natalie Portman's career has skyrocketed over the last year. Her poise and determination is prevalent in the previously released Black Swan, and she has become Hollywood's 'it' girl as a result. But we all remember Eddie Murphy's Oscar run for Dreamgirls in 2006; you know, the one that stopped abruptly after his next film, Norbit, hit theaters. I feared Portman would run into the same problems here, but she doesn't. Instead, audiences are greeted with a fun, clever and entertaining romantic comedy that challenges your perception of casual sex and makes you realize that in the end, we all just want to be loved.
When I entered the theater I feared for what I was about to see. However, after realizing that the film bore the oft forgotten R-rating, I realized that unlike previous romantic comedies, No Strings Attached was made for an adult audience.
Portman and co-star Ashton Kutcher share a unique on-screen chemistry, appearing as a real couple, dealing with roadblocks as they attempt to figure out just what they are to one another. I was also impressed with the stellar supporting cast that surrounds our two leads. Lake Bell is brilliant as Kutcher's co-worker, and all of Portman's medical roommates serve their purpose as they all stir up unforgettable laughs throughout.
I will admit that the film is quite cliche, even for a romantic comedy; however, unlike other films, No Strings Attached makes it all work. Their is no 'other man' to worry about; instead Reitman opts to create a unique villain, the lead characters themselves.
I won't go as far as to say that this film is amazing. But I will confirm that it is far better than I expected, and I will likely purchase it on DVD when it is released. Like Mean Girls in 2004, No Strings Attached is bound to become a guilty pleasure for the male masses.