Much like any other dog, Marley is a canine on a mission: A mission to ruin lives and breed evil. Well, at least in the minds of John and Jenny Gorgan that is. From the rambunctious behavior to the acts of public indecency, Marley is easily one of the worst dogs to ever be allowed indoors. But as time flies by, and the overly active pup begins to age, his rowdy antics grow on his adoptive family, making for one of the most touching and relatable films of 2008.
Based off the popular novel by John Gorgan, Marley and Me is a story of love, affection and letting go. It is a film about growing old, learning to cope and looking at the best of any situation. It has heart, a soul and most importantly, it has emotion. Together, all three aspects comprise to form a touching tale, one that will stay with you long after you leave the theater.
Starring the unlikely combo of Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston, Marley and Me reaches heights that I never thought imaginable. Sharing an unbelievably strong bond from start to finish, the two leading stars work with one another, as well as Marley, creating a believable relationship of love, hope and aspiration.
Additionally, the film's premise, though a bit frustrating at times, features a mixture of emotions that works perfectly with the story's main message. Dealing with the joys and excitement that result from a family dog, the film expresses itself through the smiles and laughter of the Gorgans. The way their eyes light up at the sight of Marley not only reminds us all of our own childhood pet, but creates a gleeful feeling in the dark pit of our stomach.
But like they always do, films can't be completely favorable. Representing the way a dog effects those around him, Marley's journey through life is portrayed in full force throughout the film. The ending is emotionally difficult, especially for dog lovers like myself. But the film's waning moments were dealt with delicately, making you feel as if the ending, done any other way, would be a dishonor to the film, its message, and most importantly, Marley himself.