All their lives Bridget, Nina and Jackie have played by the rules; but when Bridget derives the perfect plan to smuggle soon-to-be-destroyed cash out of the Federal Reserve, all three girls begin to see green. As the unlikely trio begin to accumulate piles and piles of cash it looks as if they have pulled off the perfect crime "“ until a major mishap alerts the authorities. Now the group must work to stay one step ahead of the law as they live their life of newfound luxury.
Though somewhat cheesy and downright unbelievable Mad Money actually works as the film carries the support it needs to appeal to audiences across the board.
If there is one thing that I have to commend this film on it is its casting. Diane Keaton is on top of her game as she plays the stuck-up, rich hungry Bridget. Bringing arrogance and a sense of self pity to the screen Keaton pulls off her character perfectly, making you want to believe that her actions and emotions are all true. In addition Queen Latifah and Katie Holmes play the single mom paper shredder and the dancing case girl to a tee. And what is most shocking of all is that all three come together to form a friendship that the audience believe. In layman's terms "“ the cast works.
Additionally I have to say that the story was strong. Though somewhat cheesy and extremely overplayed, it was solid as it showed three women, all in desperate measures, do something that they never thought possible "“ commit a federal crime. Sure there are dry moments, and to be honest I never was on the edge of my seat; however I was entertained and when it comes to a movie, that tends to be the most important thing.
In the end I have to admit that Mad Money surprised me. Expecting a washed-up chick flick I was introduced to a fun, enjoyable film that will easily find its way with all audiences.