SXSW Review: La Camioneta


Director:Mark Kendall


Running Time:71 Minutes


La Camioneta shows life
after school for an American school bus.  The bus gets auctioned off,
driven down to Guatemala, and sold to a man named Ermelindo Velásquez who is
trying to make a living as a bus driver.  The bus gets partially rebuilt,
fully repainted, and transforms into an entirely different vehicle, designed to
grab the attentions of potential customers.

the use of the bus' travels, La Camioneta
delves into the lives of the people involved.  We witness the time,
care, and attention required to complete the redesign.  We see the long hours of driving, the
time away from family, and the hardships that this kind of life can lead
to.  Most of all, we realize the
dangers that come with pursuing this kind of work.

 The danger often comes in the form of
gangs, who in Guatemala frequently attack buses, killing many drivers and their
passengers.  In one scene, we watch a news broadcast detailing a bus
explosion caused by a grenade.  It is heart wrenching as you begin to
question why anyone would dream of such a profession.  Yet when Ermelindo sees the finished bus, he is happier in
that moment than any other throughout the film.

Kendall's cinematography is beautiful.  Wide, still shots of the Guatemalan
landscape juxtaposed with the destitute villages instantly affect the viewer.
 The camera is not afraid of tight close ups of the subjects, giving the
film an incredibly personal feel.  However, La Camioneta is not
without flaws.  At times, it feels
overlong and repetitive, threatening to lose the viewer's interest.  But
when the final shots transition from the brightly-colored, festive camioneta to
a normal yellow school bus full of children back in America, the film's heart
comes shining through.


About Shayne Lechelt

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