Over the last several years, films like Shrek, Finding Nemo and The Incredibles have given animation a new look and feel. However, with the new and improved style come higher expectations as studios stretch their imagination and resources to produce the next big hit. And while Dreamworks and Pixar continue to produce adequate films, other studios have quickly fallen behind. A prime example is Igor, a family-targeted film that struggles to find its audience as it mixes a mature story with kid's humor, repulsing both groups in the process.
Like many great animation films, Igor boasts a strong cast as it features the voices of John Cusack, Steve Buscemi and Sean Hayes. However, like many films of animation, the actors mean little to the overall success of the film. Instead, audience members look for a smart, complete story, realistic dialogue and a few laughs. With Igor, only the dialogue was somewhat realistic as the story failed in intelligence and the laughs were few and far between.
As the film begins, we learn that after his town's sun is replaced with constant storm clouds, one lonely Igor decides to pursue his ambitions of being a scientist. Tired of the typical Yes Master degree, the young man with a hump on his back takes to his dreams, preparing for the annual Evil Science Fair. With the help of his two 'inventive' friends, Igor works day and night, ultimately creating the large and monstrous Eva. However, something goes wrong as Eva turns out to be a giant aspiring actress who would never harm a fly. With his career on the line, one small Igor will go to great lengths to turn his peacefully and serene invention into one of mass chaos and destruction.
While I admit that the story sounds appealing and entertaining, the way in which it is told is what really causes the film problems. From the unappealing characters to the uninteresting and generic dialogue, the film is plagued with problems from beginning to end. But nothing hurts it more than it overemphasized and all too foreseeable conclusion.
As the film begins to pick up pace, generating some momentum that we all hope it will carry into its final number; somewhere, somehow, it staggers. Whether it is the untimely and unentertaining conclusion or the hard-knocking science fair challenge, something just wasn't right.
Additionally, the film failed to equally mesh the simple story with clever and age-appropriate humor. Instead of the inside jokes that adults laugh at and kids don't even notice, Igor offers up some adult jokes that will leave the younger audience scratching their heads. Instead of using dialogue and situational comedy the film tried to create funny moments with actions on-screen, again, leaving one age group in complete bewilderment.
In the end, while it possessed potential and possibilities, Igor ultimately failed to follow through with either, presenting a decent-at-best film that lacked heart, soul, emotion and fluidity; thus become just another bad attempt to enter the suddenly popular world of cross-generation animated fun!