Featuring an unprecedented cast of comedic actors, as well as some up and coming talent, I Love You, Man came to the big screen amidst a lot of hype and expectation. Luckily for fans, much like their other films, the lead guys work their comedic magic, creating one of the most complete, and irresistibly funny film to hit theaters thus far in 2009!
The film, which follows Peter Klaven in his attempt to find a best man for his upcoming wedding, is filled with an immeasurable amount of wit, humor and iconic one-liners. And with terms such as "man-date" and "bro-mance," the film could easily be considered a must see learning experience for men of all ages.
At the helm of the jokes are Paul Rudd and Jason Segel. Playing Peter and his ultimate 'man' Sydney respectively, the two comedic masterminds effective create a strong bond, showcasing their relationship and allowing audiences to join them for an irresistibly fun and entertaining journey of friendship. The trials and tribulations come and go as expected; but the paths in which these two guys take towards their ultimate destination is what makes this film work.
Also along for the ride is Andy Samberg who plays Peter's gay, and largely popular brother, Robbie. Though a definite supporting player, Samberg gives the film a much needed spark during some of its lackluster moments. And while he rarely gets to show off his true comedic talent, he does get to take part in some of the film's most impressive sequences, and that in and of itself, is worthy of a mention.
Not to be outdone, TV stars Rashida Jones and Jamie Presley make a solid transition from the small to big screen, impressing audience's alongside the current go-to men of comedy. Their irresistible charm and priceless timing help to formulate some incredibly funny lines that are sure to be repeated for months to come.
When it is all said and done, I Love You, Man is special for one reason: its cast. Full of witty and irreplaceable improv experts, the stars trump every other aspect of this film, making it a laugh out loud theatrical spectacle that you will have to see again and again.