When a group of Louisiana tourists venture away from the lights and alcohol of Mardi Gras to partake in a haunted swamp tour that tells of local legends, they don't realize that the boat they are riding in is taking them straight to their death. Will the group make it out alive and all in one piece? It won't be as easy as expected.
Okay, so there are two ways to look at this film. The first is as a horror movie, trying to scare the crap out of you, which this movie hardly achieved. Or you can look at it as a parody, paying tribute to the slasher genre that was generated in the 1980s. In this case, the movie is absolute brilliance. So, for the sake of this review we will look at it as if the later was the ultimate goal of the film.
Adam Green has successfully taken viewers back to a time when the horror genre was actually fun and creative; allowing it be become obvious that the genre has done nothing but go down hill. Starting off with an intense kill, the film quickly takes the shape of a film that is on classic B-rated 'frightfest' that you see once a year on Halloween night. The stereotypical B-rate acting and laughable 'scare' scenes provide a fun movie experience for all and Hatchet is no different.
Though the script is very modern, the cinematography, camera angle, and direction style are all that of years ago when the horror/slasher genre was booming and resembled a fun atmosphere with new and creative content.
The film is cheesy, laughable, and about as unscary as you can get; however, that is what it is suppose to be. It is fun, and in the end, that is the most important thing.