Emily Blunt turned down a role in the upcoming Captain America in order to play Princess Mary in Rob Letterman's adaptation of Jonathan Swift's classic 'Gulliver's Travels'. I have a feeling she is regretting that decision right about now.
Handicapped by a ridiculous script, teenage boy humor and absolutely no cast chemistry, Gulliver's Travels is easily one of the worst films I have seen all year - and that is truly saying something.
Whether it be the mailroom gags or the transformation put on the citizens of Lilliput, the film falls flat in nearly every aspects, failing to deliver on the repeated promise of constant laughs and family fun. Sadly, neither were present.
I will credit Jack Black for making something out of his role when in reality nothing was there, however, he was unable to give audiences a worthy performance. Blunt and Segel also halt the progress of the film, failing to create characters that anyone cares about. I'm not entirely sure if it was the script, the direction by Rob Letterman the overall acting or a combination of all three, but something went horribly wrong during the making of Gulliver's Travels - and it shows up in every frame of the film.
The Blu-Ray disc features a healthy amount of bonus features, all of which expand on the film in question. Seeing as how the film itself isn't worth a pretty penny, the bonus features don't change that too much. If you have a sense of humor or any common sense whatsoever, stay clear of this title. If you are going to see this film no matter what you read or hear - rent it.