Dorchester is not a peaceful neighborhood. Located in Boston, it separates the strong from the weak and the guilty from the innocent. Defined by the hard hitting drug lords that reside in it, the streets are littered with broken families, hearts and dreams paving way to drug and alcohol addiction. But everything hits a standstill when 4-year-old Amanda goes missing, and it is up to private investigators Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro, who know the streets, to find her. Though the couple doesn't want the case, the child's aunt persuades and they ultimately risk their relationship, their lives and even their sanity to find the lost little girl and bring her back.
In what could be ripped from today's headlines, Gone Baby Gone pulls together a scary but realistic story with a stellar cast to create a film that not only inspires and captivates, but one that haunts.
The most interesting part about the film is its story. Though it is extremely realistic, it is the little things that make you think that really separates the film from so many others like it. The case, which Patrick and Angela want to stay out of from the beginning, tries their relationship, both professionally and romantically. It tries the question and the line between good and bad. And ultimately it tries the fundamentals that we have based our lives on "¦ family and trust. By the film's end you are not only sitting in emotional shock at the way the story has played out, but you are thinking about the situations and how you would have reacted given the same environment and surroundings. The film captivates your mind, forcing you to think and decide.
However, the true strength of the film was its director and actors. Director Ben Affleck blew me away as he captured the seriousness of the film, depicting the raw emotion expelled through the eyes and body language of his two leads, Casey Affleck and Michelle Monagnan.
Speaking of the two leading actors, their chemistry was great. Both give it their all and come together to form a bond, one that portrays more than business but not quite to the level of serious relationship. They work together, creating the occasional awkward or emotional moment, bringing to life their characters and allowing the audience to connect with their feelings and thoughts. Throw in an intensely crafted attitude and tone put off by those in the struggling town; the result is more than expected.