Over the last two years, I have carefully stationed myself to where I never have to watch trailers. For whatever reason, I feel that they ruin a movie, showing all the good parts and creating an expectation that is rarely matched when seeing the full two hour montage of footage. Unfortunately, I was unable to do that with Lionsgate's recent release, Gamer. As a result, I entered the theater not only expecting great things, but hoping for a kick-ass experience. As I should have expected, I was greatly disappointed as the film lacked action, continuity and a simple story.
Gerard Butler, an actor who I have come to respect in recent months, does his best with the script that he is given; however, a horrible career choice is unavoidable here. The action, which appeared intense and addicting during the previews, is a rarity in the actual film. Sure there are scenes where action is the main focus, but they hardly last longer than a few minutes, coming and going without the slightest sense of endurance. In the film's defense, when there is action, it does deliver. There just isn't enough to live up to the expectation and hype that was generated with the fast-paced trailers that had me believing that I was sitting in on a no-holds-bar thriller.
To catch you up to speed a bit, the film is set in the near future where gaming and entertainment have evolved and intermixed into a terrifying new type of ultimate hybrid experience. Criminals on death row are able to enroll in a program that will wash away their mental ability to register actions, giving full movement demands to players at home. Survive thirty rounds of the real life 'game,' and you earn yourself your freedom. Think Death Race meets 'Halo.'
If it sounds interesting, I can't blame you for being curious - I sure as hell was. But not twenty minutes into the film I was dying for some air and a quick escape. The dialogue is horrendous, not to mention the lack of depth and understanding for the 'game' in question. The film's conclusion comes a bit too fast - okay, way too fast - as it appears that no one knew exactly how the story should conclude, opting to pick a final scene out of a hat. It didn't fit in any way, giving me a bad taste as I slowly exited the theater thinking of other things I could have done with my $10.
If it is action that you want, Gamer is not the answer. There just isn't enough to justify the ticket price, especially when films like Inglorious Basterds and District 9 are still in theaters. Both are better than this unfortunate excuse of a movie.