SXSW Review: Casa de Mi Padre


Director:Matt Piedmont

Cast:Will Ferrell, Gael Garcia Bernal, Diego Luna, and Genesis Rodriguez

Running Time:84 Minutes


When your film opens up with Will Ferrell lifting what is
obviously a fake calf you know you are in for an odd treat. Completely out
there (but in a good way), Casa de Mi
Padre is a return to form for Will Ferrell "“ and I couldn't be more elated.

Whether you like Will Ferrell or
not, you have to give him credit for going all out for the sake of his
character.  I mean, what other
comedic icon would learn Spanish for the sake of a role?

In the film Ferrell plays Armando
Alvarez, a son of a wealthy rancher who falls for his brother's new fiancée,
played by the alluring Genesis Rodriguez. In typical telenovela form, there is
drama galore, but the film is done in a way that actually mocks the genre (but
in a light hearted, teasing way). Anyone expecting to see high production value
will be disappointed here, as the film appears the product of an insanely low
budget.  Director Matt Piedmont
uses the tactic to practically break the fourth wall as one scene obviously
reveals the actors riding puppet horses.

should be noted that the film isn't all about Will Ferrell; he surrounded
himself with an impeccable cast that includes best friends, producers, and
co-stars Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal. Bernal's character is the funniest
of the bunch as he delivers a perfectly placed over-the-top performance as
Onza. A personal high for me was seeing "˜Park's and Recreation' actor Nick
Offerman play a racist DEA agent. 
He had me laughing out loud as he delivered hilarious one-liners
throughout all of his scenes.

If you are interested in seeing a
cohesive plot, great editing, and conventional storytelling then Casa de Mi Padre is not for you. However
if you want to see Will Ferrell return to his roots and play an outrageously
funny, over-the-top persona, then you will be highly entertained. 



About Orlando Sanchez


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