Where do I begin?
For years I have grown to love and respect Roman Polanski for his unique tone. When I heard that he was doing a light hearted comedy I immediately had my doubts ... I must learn never to doubt this man.
Starring four of the most acclaimed actors in the business and set in a single apartment in real time Carnage is unique, clever and highly entertaining. I credit much of the success to brilliant casting; however, when involving such a small group of artist there is no denying everyone's contributions.
The story itself revolves around two sets of parents who are meeting to discuss a fight that recently broke out between their sons. What is supposed to be a quick visit slowly turns into an all afternoon affair as both couples attempt to be cordial while standing firmly for their respective offspring.
I'd love to pick out a best in show for the film but this truly is a masterfull work by all involved. Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet, Christoph Waltz and John C. Reilly each bring a unique character to life, playing up stereotypes and expectations while still keeping a fresh outlook on the story. And with there never being a change in scenery solid performances were required in order for the film to work as it did.
Situational humor, awkward dialogue and unexpected actions keep you engaged from start to finish. Whether it is Winslet's impressive upheaval, Waltz's constant ringing, or Foster's stainless use of words, the lighthearted humor comes through often, giving everyone a chance to chuckle at the humor that we all call life.