I'll be the first to admit that I have never heard of the film Bananas!*. The Dole Food Company won on that front.
But rest assured I have heard of Big Boys Go Bananas!*, the documentary about the documentary. On that one the Dole Food Company lost. They lost big!
Telling the David v. Goliath sized story of how a small foreign film producer won out over a large multinational food supplier, Big Boys Go Bananas!* is a truly remarkable film filled with real life heros and villains that no Hollywood screenwriter could ever imagine.
The film is centered around Bananas!*, a documentary that debuted in 2009 amid both controversy and scotch tape. The documentary in question told the story of a group of farm workers who successfully sued Doll Food Company for inhumane work environments. The trial had occurred, a verdict reached. Yet somehow the power of one company was able to shun the film into losing much of its support, credibility and distribution.
Our first amendment right of free speech is often brought up during Big Boys, and while the film itself is heavily one-sided, I still found it enjoyable to watch as a small, indie sized film forced a billion dollar company to its knees.
Who knows what would have happened had the film shown at the Los Angeles Film Festival as planned without any sort of protest. And who knows if anyone would have purchased it for distribution. What we do know it what happened when it met a challenge and was brought to everyone's attentino. Director Fredrik Gertten does a magnificent job at taking us on a wild and crazy journey that will bring both tears and laughs to your face as you witness the magic that can be created with a strong faith and belief in what is right.