SXSW Review: Becoming Santa


Director:Jeff Myers

Cast:Jack Sanderson

Running Time:97.00


It is rare that a Christmas-based documentary can really mean so much to me. Becoming Santa is a touching documentary that will re-ignite your belief in Santa Claus and Christmas even in the middle of March.

Becoming Santa is the story of one man entering the culture and character of Santa Claus and we follow Jack as he bleaches his hair and goes to Santa School. He tries to do everything that Santa is asked to do. He works as a sidewalk Santa, does home visits, a Polar Express Train and a parade. Along the way, Jack collects children's wishes, learns about the benefits of belief, the history and origin of Santa and that ordinary people keep the spirit alive.

Jeff Myers and Jack Sanderson's vision is not only inspiring but also innovative. The documentary not only covers Jack's adventure as Santa but also shows and discusses the tradition of Santa in the United States and other countries. What really makes this film great is that it is actually really funny. Jack's good sense of humor and positive attitude through will leave you with a good feeling.

Becoming Santa really has the ability to become a classic holiday documentary. Myers and Sanderson come together and produce a movie that will have you in the holiday spirt anytime you see their film. 



About Micael Mirza


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