I wept throughout this entire movie. Not because I am anti-abortion but because I was overwhelmed with emotion at these brave doctors who put their lives on the line every day to aid in the fight for reproductive freedom. This film was made in honor of Dr. George Tiller, who was murdered in his church in May 2009 by an extremist set out to prove that killing is wrong by killing a man. Tiller's mission lives on.
There are only four doctors left in the nation who perform late-term abortions. This movie is about bringing to light the importance of women's health and reproductive rights. Through a combination of interviews and news footage, After Tiller was well researched and expertly delivered. My only complaint was the framing of some shots. There was no reason we needed an angular shot of hand sanitizer.
Data reveals that late-term abortions make up less than 1% of those performed in the United States. Most are performed for the physical health and safety of the fetus and mother. There were women who came into these clinics who were prepared to have a baby"”names picked out, crib assembled, only to have their dreams dashed by a rare diagnosis.
The doctors' identities were revealed, but it was a brilliant choice on behalf of the filmmakers to shoot the hands and feet of the patients and their partners. It added to the anxious feeling of the film. I hold out hope that this film gets the recognition and distribution it so richly deserves. Whatever you opinion on the subject matter, After Tiller is a well-crafted, informative look at a situation that doesn't get the attention is rightfully needs and deserves.