“This hospital was built on trust.”
With that one statement, the entire world of Hotel Artemis is put into full view.
Set in a riot-torn Los Angeles, sometime in the near future, Hotel Artemis centers on a secret, members-only hospital for criminals. While much of the actual plot is still under wraps, the new red-band trailer gives us a lot to be hopeful for - most notably a powerful cast of high caliber A-list talent, including the likes of Jodie Fster, Sterling K. Brown, Jeff Goldblum, Jenny Slate, Zachary Quinto, Carlie Day, David Bautista and the list goes on…and on…and on.
The trailer leaves a lot of details unclear, but for a genre film I’m not complaining. The stylistic composition of the film looks impressive, and with a cast as loaded as this, I’ll be standing in line to witness the magic!