One of the biggest story arcs of the 1990s was The Death of Superman, which included crossovers with some of DC's biggest titles. But as we know from comic books, and films like Justice League and the upcoming Infinity War sequel, heroes don't stay dead forever.
While loosely adapted before in the animated film Superman: Doomsday (and in Batman v Superman, I suppose), this is a proper adaptation, adhering closer to the comics. Jerry O'Connell voices Superman, reprising the role he played in the last three animated Justice League movies. Joining him are Wonder Woman (Rosario Dawson), Batman (Jason O'Mara) and the rest of the crew, as they try to save Metropolis from destruction.
Fans will have plenty of options, including DVD, Blu-ray, 4K Ultra HD and a collector's gift set.
The Death of Superman will hit home video on Tuesday, August 7. The saga will conclude next year with the release of Reign of the Supermen.