Watch New “Alien Covenant” Video “She Won’t Go Quietly”

Ridley Scott’s Alien Covenant will hit theaters on May 19th. While there has already a lot of talk about the film (in large part thanks to a 20 minute sneak peak at the SXSW Film Festival back in March), fans have now been treated to a new video.

This video, entitled “She Won’t Go Quietly”, shows just how much protagonist Daniels (Katherine Waterston) relies on MUTHUR, the Covenant’s Artificial Intelligence. It also gives us a glimpse of Daniels teaming up with the A.I. to take on the hostile alien threat – the Xenomorphs.

Any fan of the Alien series knows that there is always much more than meets the eyes – especially when it comes to MUTHUR. Though it might seem as if she is siding with the angels, there is always a chance she is working with the devil.

Directed by Ridley Scott, Alien: Covenant stars Katherine Waterston, Danny McBride, Michael Fassbender, and Billy Crudup.


About Robert Bexar II

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