In what is being deemed as an ‘80s family movie, much in the vein of Short Circuit and Flight of the Navigator, A-X-Lfollows Miles, a down-on-his-luck teenage bike rider who stumbles upon an advanced, robotic, military dog named A.X.L.
The movie appears to be the classic tale of boy finds top military robotic dog, top military brass try and retrieve it, boy and top military robotic dog find that they love each other and band together to fight those in persuit.
There is more that I could go on with; however, this is not a film in the vein of classics like Short Circuit orFlight of the Navigator– instead it appears to be more like a pale, water-downed version of a bad 80s B-movie. The very fact that the trailer shows star Thomas Jane phoning in the performance does not offer much promise for the film.
Scheduled to hit theaters in August, if you are dying to see this one on the big screen, you had better hurry – I don’t expect it to last too long.