“Bad Moms” Take on Christmas in Red Band Trailer

The bitches are back and this time they’ve got Santa in their crosshairs. Hot off the heels of last summer’s “Bad Moms” and unable to resist a sequel, we’ve got a red band trailer for “A Bad Moms Christmas”, full of f-bombs, naked Justin Hartley, and plenty of boozing.

A Bad Moms Christmas follows our three under-appreciated and over-burdened women as they rebel against the challenges and expectation of the Super Bowl for moms: Christmas. And this time, not only do they have to navigate Christmas, but they’ll also have to navigate having their mothers in town. The mothers, played by Cheryl Hines, Susan Sarandon, and Christine Baranski, look to be as challenging, if not moreso, for the trio than even Christmas shopping at the mall.

As Christine Baranski’s character chides Mila Kunis, “Amy you are a mom. Moms don’t enjoy, they give joy. That’s how being a mom works.”

This early Christmas present hits theaters on November 3, 2017. Check out the red band trailer below.


About Katie Anaya

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