Sundance Review: The Rambler


Director:Calvin Lee Reeder

Cast:Dermot Mulroney, Lindsey Pulsipher, Natasha Lyonne, James Cady

Running Time:97.00


Half the time I had no idea what was going on during this film, but I know I liked it. Laced with surreal images and a twisted plot line, Calvin Lee Reeder's The Rambler was the perfect midnight Sundance screening and should hit high marks with him niche, cult audience. Dermot Mulroney plays the title character in Reeder's dream-like epicóa, a man just released from prison who is released home to a hateful wife and an even more hateful boss. He begins to hallucinate (or does he?) and decides it's not his thing to stay in one place. So he roams the countryside looking forósomethingónot really sure what. Along the way he boxes, brawls, and gets puked on by a pig woman. It wasn't my thing at first, but half-way through, this movie grew on me something fierce. It's like Alice in fucked up Wonderland. And it's funny as hell.


About Rebecca Tafline

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