Sundance Review: Robot and Frank


Director:Jake Schreier

Cast:Frank Langella, James Marsden, Liv Tyler, Susan Sarandon

Running Time:90 Minutes


Set in the near future, Robot
and Frank is a story about Frank, (Langella) an elderly ex-jewel thief who
lives alone in upstate New York.  His
memory is failing, and his children are not sure what to do with him since he refuses
to recognize his limitations.  His
son Hunter (Marsden) comes to visit one day, bringing a robot to assist his
father with chores around the house. At first, Frank is adverse to the "˜hunk of
junk', but after some time realizes it can be of use to him, and the two become

beautifully and marked with superior performances by the entire cast,
(especially Langella) Robot and Frank was
moving in many ways. Having had a grandfather that suffered form Alzheimer's,
it was difficult to watch Frank's downward spiral.  It can often be difficult to portray a relationship with an
object as meaningful, but this movie pulled it off.  There were just as many laughs as tears, which made the story
much more realistic in nature.  The
script was one for the records, full of insight and very theme-oriented.  This is definitely one for the whole
family to watch.  It reminds us all
that life is precious and short. 
It must be nurtured.

Robot and Frank is playing in the non-competition Premiere category. 



About Rebecca Tafline

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