When American spy Steve Trevor crash lands on the island of Thescyria, Princess Diana must venture out into the world to protect man from Ares, the god of war, and take her place as Wonder Woman.
While Batman V. Superman might be a point of contention for many fans in regard to the DC Cinematic Universe, Wonder Woman will not be. From start to finish the film doesn't miss a beat. Though I will admit that there are a few moments where the story drags, the film is a surprisingly quick 140 minutes. It helps that well known (and respected) comic book writer Alan Heinberg penned the screenplay.
Wonder Woman appears to follow a bit in the way of Marvel's Captain America: The First Avenger and DC’s own Man of Steel, which is not a bad thing. It is also the first of the DC films to have a spirit of levity with its heroism.
Beginning and ending in the present, the bulk of the film takes place during World War I. You quickly feel Diana's yearning to be something more than who she is as she embarks on a path of discovery – damn any man who gets in her way.
Director Patty Jenkins does a fantastic job with the film, most notably with the action sequences. There are so many, “oh my God, Wonder Woman is awesome!” moments in this film that you can’t help but want to fight like her.
When it comes to the casting, the film delivers. Gal Gadot embodies Wonder Woman, bringing a courageous and complex character to the big screen. She is able to convey strength, wonder, naïveté, love and honor, wrapping it into one super heroine that demands your attention. Her chemistry with Chris Pine's Steve Trevor is quite electric, sucking you into the friendship/relationship aspect of the story. While Gadot adds a fair amount of humor it is ultimately Pine and their team of misfit spies that help to give the film its comedic charm.
The film’s primary villain, Ares, is introduced by way of an impressive misdirect. But it takes a bit too long to get to him and sadly he isn’t very memorable. But that is okay. The brunt of Wonder Woman is Diana’s journey to understanding her purpose and the way man operates. It is her self discovery that gives the film its heart, and her growth that gives it a soul.
Wonder Woman offers up the same chills you get when you witness Richard Donner’s Superman for the first time. While Donner made you believe a man could fly, Jenkins effectively shows you that a woman can save the world.