Review: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol – IMAX


Director:Brad Bird

Cast:Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Paula Patton

Running Time:113 Minutes


about a half an hour of footage shot with an IMAX camera made it into the final
cut of the film.  But in the end it
doesn't matter because Mission
Impossible: Ghost Protocol absolutely ruled.

I'll be the first to admit that I am
not a fan of the second and third installments of the Mission Impossible franchise. 
But when I heard director Brad Bird (The
Incredibles) was involved in this fourth go-around, I thought there might
be a chance it wouldn't suck.  I am
ecstatic to say that it didn't.

Cruise reprises his role of Ethan Hunt, who is currently imprisoned in
Budapest.  Not to worry, two other
agents are breaking him out and together they will accept a mission from IMF to
Russia where they must break into the Kremlin. But that mission is compromised
and IMF is held responsible for a crime they did not commit; thus forcing Hunt
and his team to embark on their own and stop the men responsible before they
strike again.

I was lucky enough to catch this
movie in the highly sought after IMAX dimension.  From the sixth row center the first shot grabbed me with
brute force as I found myself grinning like an idiot not ten minutes in.

Protocol was not only action-packed to the hilt, it was beautifully shot and
down right hilarious. The cast had wonderful chemistry (especially Renner and
Pegg) and the cinematography (taken from several locations around the globe)
was brilliant. I was worried a certain scene involving a skyscraper was going
to give me an anxiety attack "“ its overall effect is something you'll have to
experience for yourself!

The dialogue leaves something to be
desired, but the performances and the beauty of the film make up the
difference. Definitely one I would recommend for the whole family and
absolutely one that deservers to be seen on the big screen.

If you are in Austin check out the film on IMAX at the Bob Bullock Museum Theater.  Tickets are available here.



About Rebecca Tafline

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