Review: Black Swan


Director:Darren Aronofsky

Cast:Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey, Winona Ryder

Running Time:103.00


My brain is still wrapped around Darren Aronofsky's daring and visually stimulating Black Swan. I couldn't have loved a minute more or less of this film. And it's
almost difficult to explain why.

Actually, I can. Natalie Portman,
Vincent Cassel, Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey, Winona Ryder, Darren Aronofsky; all
are the reason why. Natalie Portman took her place as the lead, Nina, but the
other characters worked hard to create the world Nina lives in. At the same
time I saw Nina growing out of control, I understood her nature because of the
people who surrounded her.

The film follows a young
ballerina who is given the lead in Swan Lake. Underneath the pressure, she breaks
both physically and mentally as she attempts to transform herself from a gentle
lady into a darker, more emotional, star performer. It's a simple enough story,
which Darren Aronofsky twisted into something fascinating.

There was no reason for me to
pull my eyes from the screen, and yet it's almost too excruciating to watch.
The anxiety pours from the characters, eating away at you while you witness
what unfolds. Black Swan is a film that captures you second by second, and
makes you a character in its world.

With all of the expectations I
had going into Black Swan, I was given everything for which I'd hoped.
Although not solely a film about ballet, Darren Aronofsky didn't cut corners in
portraying the passion that leads people to dance. I appreciated all of the
dance sequences. They weren't simply for our viewing pleasure, but instead used
as metaphors for the film.

Black Swan is definitely psychological. It uses human sexuality
and the body to emphasize maturity and obsession. This may put off some people
of the film, and the squeamish could have a hard time. I never found it to be a
problem and Black Swan never took itself so seriously that it didn't throw a
couple of comedic lines in for good measure.

I'd go see this film again, and
probably again after that. There is so much going on underneath Nina's skin and
in her mind that by watching Black
Swan several times, it could only get



About Katie Scott

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