“Wonder Woman” Wows with Debut Trailer

Thus far, much of the focus at Comic-Con has been on Suicide Squad and Justice League. But an equally important (and equally awesome) DC property recently moved from the shadows to center stage. Wonder Woman unveiled a slick poster on Friday and its first trailer on Saturday, reminding everyone that the DC Extended Universe extends far beyond Jokers, capes and cowls.

The debut trailer features snippets of the Wonder Woman origin story and her relationship with Steve Trevor, but its most impressive feature is the sword and whip-slinging action that pits Diana Prince against a host of WWI-era baddies. The sets and scenes look meticulously crafted, but, since the film is still a year away, here’s hoping we don’t see too much more of it between now and then.

Watch the trailer below, and stay tuned for more Wonder Woman news in the lead-up to the film’s release in summer 2017.


About Tyler Hicks

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