Over the last two days the Academy of Arts and Science has blown into major chaos mode. Not only did producer Brett Ratner step down after showing a terrible sense of moral integrity during his press tour for his recently released Tower Hesit, but host Eddie Murphy followed suit with an official letter of resignation last night.
So now the Academy is forced to find a new producer and host; with the show only a few months away, things are getting a bit tight.
But not to worry, producer Brian Grazer has stepped up to the plate, and while Murphy is still out, some online campaigning has begun (or continued) for an unlikely host (or group of hosts rather) ... The Muppets.
While the online push originally started back in February before Murphy was attached, it has suddenly gained steam due to recent events. And while I'm not entirely sure just how this could even be pulled off, it does seem a bit intriguing. And with Disney set to release the big screen adventure The Muppets on November 23rd, the logic isn't entirely out of the question.
But even with all the logic and marketing/advertising advantage, you have to wonder if this could really happen. I mean, is it even possible? And assuming it is, would it be a good move for the Academy? What happens if the movie disappoints at the box-office? That result is highly unlikely, but still, is it worth the chance?