Tonight we saw another contestant get crowned king of the jungle as 21 year old Judson 'Fabio' Birza earned the title of Sole Survivor and will be taking home $1 million. Chase Rice came in second, a measley one vote behind our winner, and Matthew 'Sash' Lenahan came in third, not earning a single vote.
Yea, you read that right. Sash didn't receive a single vote. Often considered a major force within the game, I found myself shocked at the reveal during the live reunion show....that is, until some light was brought to the subject.
Word is that Sash had a very weird relationship with the jury, and I mean beyond the fact that he backstabbed nearly every one of them on his way to the final three. Yup, word has surfaced that he quite possibly cheated his way there as well.
It appears that during last week's tribal council, when we saw the beloved Jane Bright take the walk of shame fists blaring, a proposal came to light, one that had Sash offering a bargain to Jane by promising to pay off her mortgage in exchange for her vote and positive influence in the jury house. For those who are familiar with the show, this is a huge rule break.
If rumors are correct, things got so heated at tribal council that host Jeff Probst ordered that the cameras be stopped and spent over ten minutes discussing the circumstance with executive producers. In the end it was ruled a 'he said, she said' situation and things went on normally; however, you can't remove that kind of allegation in the eyes of a jury.
So, in hindsight, Sash was a shoe in for final three, no questions asked. No one was going to vote for him regardless of what he said. Don't believe what is being said? Take a look back at last week's episode. You can tell that Jane's monologue of 'airing out the dirty laundry' was cut awfully short. Now you know what had to be left on the cutting room floor.