“Squad” Goals: New “Suicide Squad” Trailer Delves Into Film’s Plot

Most of the bits and pieces that we’ve seen of the upcoming Suicide Squad have provided exciting glimpses into the new film, but plot details remain shrouded in darkness darker than the Squad’s dank prison cells. Until now, that is. With a new, extended trailer dropping at Comic-Con on Saturday, we now know a few of the plot details that have eluded us thus far.

The new, 3-minute trailer shows the squad being set up as “patsies” for the destruction caused by an unnamed supernatural force, and, as the 21 Pilots song “Heathens” plays in the background, we see the squad being…likable? It’s an interesting, unusual trailer, yet this film is nothing if not interesting.

Director David Ayer has called his new film a story of “bad vs. evil,” and, most recently, “About a Boy directed by Michael Mann.” But if the film lives up to the hype, we’ll be calling it the savior of the DC Universe.

Watch the trailer below, and see the film in theaters on August 5.


About Tyler Hicks

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