“No Men Beyond This Point” Releases Trailer

What would it be like if women ruled the world? That’s a premise women have often contemplated and now there’s a comedy that attempts to answer that question. No Men Beyond This Point looks at what the world would be like if men were obsolete.

Made in the mockumentary style, the film examines a world in which women have been able to reproduce without men since 1953. Thus we meet 37 year-old Andrew Myers, the youngest man still alive. Working as a housekeeper, Andrew must stand up for his sex to prevent men from going extinct.

The film’s just released trailer is full of deadpan humor and extreme takes on a female-dominated world where there are no wars and men aren’t allowed to congregate in groups of more than two. Clearly meant to be facetious, it’s sure to be a fun and silly look at what would happen if men became unnecessary.

The film was directed by Mark Sawers and made the rounds on the festival circuit. It debuts on DVD and Digital on July 12.


About Katie Anaya

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