New “Jungle Book” Featurette Highlights Disney’s Legacy

In a new clip for The Jungle Book, director Jon Favreau acknowledges the legacy of the animated feature film from 1967. "When you take on a piece of content and you update it, you have to be sure there's a reason for it," says Favreau. He continues, "What makes us able to make this movie now is the technology to have photo-real animal animation."

It's quite a task to remake The Jungle Book – a beloved film to many – as a live action film. But as Favreau points out in this clip, with great CGI and the right cast anything is possible. Peppered with cast interviews and some gorgeous footage, the featurette shows off Bill Murray, Lupita Nyong'o and Idris Elba, all incredible actors bringing a ton of cred to the film. And the animals themselves look amazing, a great blend of photo-realism and human facial expressions.

With the success of last year's live-action Cinderella and a live-action Beauty and the Beast in post-production, Disney has certainly hit on its next money-making machine. And sure, even though we're obviously being used for our love of nostalgia (the melody of "Bare Necessities" plays delightfully in the background of the featurette), you can bet I'll be watching The Jungle Book when it hits theaters on April 15th.


About Katie Anaya

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