“Beauty and the Beast” Gets Teaser Poster

And so the anticipation grows…

Disney has just released the first poster for their live-action Beauty and the Beast film that comes out in March 2017. Featuring the Beast’s famous magical rose set in its frosty glass case, the poster doesn’t offer much in the way of details.

Still, it means we’re one step closer to getting some real footage of the highly anticipated re-telling of the Disney animated classic. Emma Watson is Belle, Dan Stevens is the Beast, Luke Evans is Gaston, Kevin Kline is Maurice, Josh Gad is Lefou, Ewan McGregor is Lumiere, Stanley Tucci is Maestro Cadenza, Ian McKellan is Cogsworth, and Emma Thompson is Mrs. Potts. And that’s not even touching cameos from smaller characters!

With such an all-star cast and no word yet on how the Beast will be portrayed in live-action, this new poster is just adding to the hype.

Beauty and the Beast Poster - Release Article


About Katie Anaya

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