Jimmy Fallon handled the first night as the host of the Tonight Show with his trademark energy and positivity. The show had a slew of special guests, including a History of Hip Hop number with Will Smith and a song by U2 from the top of 30 Rock at sunset. Perhaps the most memorable bit was Fallon’s “$100 Bet”, where he mentioned that his buddy, who said he would never become the Tonight Show host, owed him $100. Stars such as Tina Fey, Lady Gaga, Lindsey Lohan, Joan Rivers, Seth Rogen and Stephen Colbert then filed out one-by-one to throw $100 bills at the host. Colbert brought his $100 in pennies, telling Fallon “Welcome to 11:30, bitch!”
Fallon’s first week guests also include Jerry Seinfeld, Kristen Wigg, Tim McGraw, First Lady Michelle Obama, Will Ferrell, Arcade Fire, Justin Timberlake and more.